Online Infographic: Avocados and the Super Bowl

20 Apr

Regardless of which team won or lost yesterday’s big game, one standard product from the produce section was a clear winner: the avocado. Avocados are becoming an increasingly-popular snack for America’s biggest sporting event, and this year is no different from the others.
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Online Infographic: Annual Cost of Pets

20 Apr

Oh pets. Man’s best friend. Crazy cat lady’s only friend. Whatever you prefer (I’m a cat person, myself), these furry friends can be quite costly. Those little guys have to eat!
Pet costs add up quickly. Aside from the every day costs like food, pet costs sky rocket when your your critter…
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Online Infographic: Kissing

20 Apr

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their day whether it be with their significant other, or with themselves. It’s funny because I never used to enjoy Valentine’s Day when I was in a relationship; I seem to enjoy it much more when I’m single. This obviously means that I…
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Online Infographic: Kissing

20 Apr

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their day whether it be with their significant other, or with themselves. It’s funny because I never used to enjoy Valentine’s Day when I was in a relationship; I seem to enjoy it much more when I’m single. This obviously means that I…
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Online Infographic: Sitting Pretty

20 Apr

If you’ve ever had an office job or worked at a desk for an extended period of time you’re probably already aware of the importance of a good desk chair. The quality of the chair you sit on for most of the day can directly influence your enjoyment and level of comfort on the job, but even…
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Online Infographic: Essential Vitamins and Minerals

20 Apr

Let’s talk about health. For just a minute here. Because its not like we all want to spend our busy days chatting about vitamins and minerals. But someone has to bring it up! So I will. I’m here to give you your daily dose of vitamins, or at least inspire you to get more of the good stuff in…
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Online Infographic: How to Save on Your Energy Bill

20 Apr

As everyone likely knows, bills are never fun to pay. At one point or another I’m sure we’ve all taken a look at our utility bills and asked “How can it be this much?” If you’re often busy it’s not always easy to keep track of the things that raise your energy bills each month, but…
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Online Infographic: A Visual Guide to SXSW

20 Apr

SXSW, a ten day festival that takes the city of Austin by storm. The city feels an economic surge, is packed with out of towers and is nonstop craziness for all involved. The conference includes a gaming expo, an interactive festival,a trade show, a film festival and a music festival. The wide…
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Online Infographic: Dining Etiquette

20 Apr

Have you ever been to a fancy restaurant and wondered what the extra spoons and forks were for? I most definitely have. I actually went to a fancy wedding a few years ago and was so flustered with the utensil options that I ended up spilling my water all over the table! Talk about bad table…
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Online Infographic: Why You Are Afraid of the Dark

20 Apr

I know I’m not the only one that goes double time up the basement stairs after turning out the light. The dark is an unknown area. What we used to know so well is eclipsed in blackness and regular objects take new shape with the help of our imagination. Today’s graphic delves into the reason…
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