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Online Infographic: A Brief History of YouTube

20 Apr

If you want to see your favorite music video or maybe an example of a do-it-yourself task you’re working on, where is the very first place online that you would go to? Chances are the answer is YouTube. Even though there are several other video services on the Internet, none come anywhere near…
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Online Infographic: Behind the Facebook Like Button

20 Apr

Ever since Facebook installed the ‘like’ feature, seeming like you care about what your friends say and think has never been so easy. Just kidding. The Like button was an ingenious idea to quickly and easily get people involved with interesting posts and organizations.
You can attest to…
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Online Infographic: 2016: The Year of the Zettabyte

20 Apr

Even I hadn’t even heard of a zettabyte before. A term for data storage equal to 1.1 trillion gigabytes? That sounds crazy and absurd. Yet we are closing in of the transfer of a zettabyte of data annually. The future of the internet isn’t slower speeds and less data transfer, it will be more…
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Online Infographic: Top 5 Computer Security Mistakes

20 Apr

I’m sure that a majority of us have fallen victim to a computer hack. And I’m not talking about the silly Facebook status hacks that your co-workers do. I’m talking about your private information being stolen from your computer. I myself had a terrifying situation where I entered a…
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Online Infographic: Party in the Parking Lot

20 Apr

As a 20-year-old, I am not yet aware of the magic that awaits me in parking lots surrounding sports games. But don’t get me wrong, this infographic gets me pumped up for the events which I will be a part of next football season.
Something really awesome about this infographic is that it is…
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Online Infographic: The Facts About Poop

20 Apr

Working with kids, poop is a word that is unarguably in my vocabulary. It’s also something I feel should be able to be discussed more in our culture, no matter one’s sex and/or gender. Today’s infographic tells you some things to look out for as well as some fun facts about our favorite…
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Online Infographic: The Secret to Better Sleep

20 Apr

I don’t know about the rest of you readers, but I always feel like I could use a little more sleep in the mornings. Even when I know that I’ve gotten enough, I usually just want a few more minutes lying down, which as it turns out might not be such a bad thing.
Today’s infographic comes to…
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Online Infographic: The Facts on Life Insurance

20 Apr

Fifty percent of all adults do not have adequate health insurance. I can’t believe this, but I guess I’m being a hypocrite as I myself do not own life insurance. I’m just really banking on the fact that I don’t die anytime soon. I know I shouldn’t, anything could happen and I may not…
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Online Infographic: Clean Carpet Conundrum

20 Apr

Today’s infographic cleverly lets us know that a visit from the RugDoctor is sometimes just as good as a visit from the Love Doctor. Whoever compiled this infographic had the audience in mind; with its visually stimulating and sharp arrangement it is more than easy on the eyes.
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Online Infographic: Libraries are Forever: E-Books & Print Books Can Coexist

20 Apr

Hello lovely peeps! I hope that I catch you at a happy time in your week. WOO FOOTBALL!!! This week’s infographic has a little piece of me in it (like all of them), which is appropriate because it’s my last one *tear*. It’s also kind of a metaphor for the way I hope to go forth in the…
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